- [Tinpak News]Mr Xu visited us for looking CD tin packaging solution[ 2015-06-13 20:54 ]
- Mr Xu visited us for looking CD tin packaging solution this Friday. Mr Xu Owns a audio & video company which located in Guangzhou. He knew our company from his friends. His friends told him Tinpk has a lot CD tins. That's the reason why Mr Xu paid a visit...
- http://www.tinpak.com/Article/cdtinpackaging_1.html
- [根栏目]100K Order CD Tin Box Came to Tinpak[ 2014-11-11 09:21 ]
- Tinpak has a special CD tins with embossed base. Our English client loves it and ran a big order of 100k for it again. This CD tin box has a ordinary size of 130x124x12mm. But it has a special embossment on the base of hub. Thanks to this special embossed base...
- http://www.tinpak.com/Article/100KOrderCDTinBoxCam_1.html
- [FAQ]What CD tins you ever made for AC/DC?[ 2014-07-22 22:24 ]
- As the best CD tin box producer, Tinpak had the luck to produce the double lidded CD tin for AC/DC in 2007 for the special album of BLACK ICE. This album CD tin has an inner metal tray which is wisely designed to hold the disc CD. Inside the music album CD tin...
- http://www.tinpak.com/FAQ/WhatCDtinsyouevermad_1.html
- [FAQ]Can you make AOL CD tin boxes?[ 2014-05-26 19:58 ]
- Tinpak is the best metal media packaging supplier in China and we can make the AOL CD Tin which has a slip lid and drawn base. To provide clients with one-stop packing solution, we can also supply cients with CD tins fitted with vaccum trays, foam inserts and ...
- http://www.tinpak.com/FAQ/AOLCDtinboxes_1.html
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