- [Tinpak News]German Client Ordered Spice Tins[ 2022-11-22 09:49 ]
- This sliver spice tin is ordered by a German client. The round spice tins has a inner lid with plastic knob. The different heights need people’s demand.
- http://www.tinpak.com/Article/GermanClientOrderedSpiceTins_1.html

- [Tinpak News]Australian Spice Tins Order Is Recieved[ 2022-08-28 18:40 ]
- Tinpak received a spice tins order from Australian client, and the order quantity is 250k.
- http://www.tinpak.com/Article/AustralianSpiceTins_1.html

- [Tinpak News]Round Spice Tins Order Was Confirmed[ 2022-04-14 15:31 ]
- On 8th April 2022, German client confirmed a spice tins order, the quantity is 200k.
- http://www.tinpak.com/Article/RoundSpiceTins_1.html

- [Tinpak News]1500K round spice tins was confirmd on Nov 24th.[ 2020-11-28 17:48 ]
- With most cost-effective price, super service, premium quality, we got one more spice tin orders from our German client, quantity 1500K. This client have a great needs on tin boxes purchasing each year. Before meet Tinpak, they bought spice tins with other suppliers. Within 2 years copperation since 2019, we brought them many positive experiences “ Wow, your service’s so good.” “ Clients were satisfied with the goods very much.” “ Your feedback so fast.” “You production workshop is so clean, so good.” ....
- http://www.tinpak.com/Article/1500Kroundspicetinsw_1.html

- [Tinpak News]Germany client transfered a spice tin order to Tinpak from their old supplier![ 2020-10-29 19:17 ]
- In the begining of this month, one of our germany clients confirmed a spice tin order to Tinpak. They ordered this spice tins with their old supplier for four years. Now they completely gave up the copperation with their old supplier and took the molds to Tinpak and appoint Tinpak to produce the spice tins for them from now on.
- http://www.tinpak.com/Article/Germanyclienttransfe_1.html

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